Roller Derby: A Flourishing Southern Subculture

Roller Derby

By: Timothy C Hare

 My girlfriend tells me that the hardest part of roller derby is the ground. All jokes aside, the visiting team (Mobile’s Derby Darlings) had to learn that lesson first hand with the Acadiana Roller Girls winning after a significant lead of 385-84.

 She’s a new member to the Roller Girls working her way onto the roster. Being the great significant other that I am, I decided to join her and help out. We showed up early to help set up, quickly realizing the amount of community support given to these girls. There were groups of people setting up booths and chairs for spectators, even laying down track lines. You won’t find any dainty, helpless women in this arena, these girls are completely capable of handling any of the tasks here and won’t hesitate to prove it.

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You won’t find any dainty, helpless women in this arena…

Rubber suddenly pressed violently into the rink, I heard thunder as if Thor himself were hammering on this track. Following some very last minute readings into the rules I concluded this… “there are two teams that consist of blockers and One Jammer. The Jammers job is to get past the blockers to be awarded points for every blocker they pass. The Blockers job to stop the opposing jammer the best they can. The team with the jammer around the track the most times is the winner. 


After gathering  my wits, I turned focus to the arena just in time to see the incredible velocity at which Foxxi Cleosmackuya #7 was flying around the rink, passing blockers with amazing agility. I couldn’t imagine anyone moving around on skates the way these girls do. Roller Derby isn’t your run-of-the-mill push and shove game, it’s a full contact sport. Seeing Beete Yer Bollocks #606 rocketing around the track dancing through the blockers so effortlessly and Frisky Risky #21 powerfully drop it/like/its/hot on some of these jammers, had me feeling like someone should send flowers to their next of kin. I had for example witnessed earlier in the night an unsuspecting jammer come around the rink, realizing far too late what they were truly up against. Risky, poised to strike unleashed those hips making contact with a jammer attempting to pierce the line. She flew out of the ring at least 10 feet, laying there a moment trying to gather what exactly just propelled her through the air. Needless to say,  I watched this jammer avoid whatever side Risky was on for the rest of the game.

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She flew out of the ring at least 10 feet…

I saw bravery and empowerment today. Southern Goddesses battling it out on roller skates:  moms, sisters, daughters all embracing the rough and tough side of life. Independent and strong. Confident and Self reliant. These women are confident in their ability to change the world. They will inspire future generations of young women to be strong and independent. Bring your daughters here, give them someone to look up too. That’s what I liked most about watching the Acadiana Roller Girls.
You can learn all about the Acadiana Roller Girls here on their Facebook page:

It’s time to Vacation..Locally


The Issue…

The other day I overheard a conversation between an older couple at local coffee shop, Reve Coffee Roasters. The woman was arguing with her husband about the lack of quality time and vacation they’d taken in the past few years. The husband, visibly flustered replied “Where’s this money gunna come from honey!?” “You know how expensive travel is nowadays, hell I’m not even retired and I’m almost 65.” The woman froze, paralyzed with disbelief she quietly replied, “But we used to make the most of what we had, money or not we always found a way to make ordinary life more interesting more eventful.” The husband let out a long “grufff” in reply, a clear signal to end the conversation. The woman looked down, ashamed of her failed attempt at rebuilding a lost connection with her significant other. I looked down just as quickly with pressured relief. I was eavesdropping, and most people consider that to be a little rude…

Think Time…

For the next few hours I pondered relentlessly about what the woman had said at the end of that conversation, “We used to make the most of what we had, money or not we always found a way to make ordinary life more interesting more eventful.” It got me thinking back to all the times I’d told friends, family, even my own girlfriend I couldn’t come along because of prior time restraints or funds. This mindset left me in a perpetual state of doubt in my ability to balance school and work while finding quality time for friends and family. Paired with an ever flowing social media storm raining photos and videos of  friends traveling and doing expensive things in exotic places. It left me not even knowing what to do with myself on my days off. I was hopeless…

Please Explain…

We are made to think that of the 20-something days of vacation we on average get every year, 95% of has to be spent in lavish fashion filled with endless #foodporn pics and #travelmore photos.  That if we don’t achieve this societal standard our vacation will be forgotten, laughed at by our peers at its simplicity. It almost appears as if miles traveled in a trip directly correlates to the level of ego satisfaction upon return to normal life. Well I’ve got news for you, 1.) You will feel really good when you get back 2.) This feeling will end quickly once you realize you’ve used up 95% of your vacation time and it’s only March.

I Have A Solution…

Travel LOCALLY. Yes, it’s that simple, straight-to-the-point and cost friendly. I understand how this could seem exceptionally lame at first thought. But let the idea simmer and stew in your brain, you’ll soon begin to realize the proposition isn’t as sinful as it sounds. Besides cost effectiveness, spending vacation at home can turn into quite the thrilling experience if you open yourself up to the possibilities. I’d like you to imagine yourself as a newcomer to the place you live, unknown to anyone, unaware of what the city has to offer. You need to rekindle that burning curiosity that pushed you to enter those old shops filled with antiques from times past. That curiosity that compelled you to try that corner restaurant that smells like diabetes in a box…..just cuz. In my case, I moved from New Orleans to Lafayette, LA about 5 years ago to attend the University of UL at Lafayette. During the first couple years I was obsessed with being in the “know”, about current events happening in my newly adopted city. It actually was an insanely fun period, one that exposed me to those special “secret” things every town has to offer. However, over time I became numb to the countless waves of happenings, instead looking to my phone as an escape to another country or locale. Living Vicariously through others. It wasn’t until that day spent eavesdropping at a local coffee shop that I realized my priorities were seriously misaligned.

Just Do IT…

Screw you Nike. But your slogan is brilliant, it’s really that simple to get started on a local vacation of your own. Spend a few weeks beforehand checking calendars and flyers for local upcoming events. Plan each day during your vacation, (I recommend 4 days to start) as if you were planning a special outing with your boyfriend or girlfriend, friend or family member. Ask around, talk to art galleries, talk to business owners, find out when and where to go so you can just be YOU. I promise you’ll be astonished at the sheer number of experiences you’ve been missing out on since your leave of interest first began. Our communities have so much to offer and you can truly make a difference by giving your time to support the smaller things in life….Vacation Locally.  Go to Festival International this year. Share your Local Travels with Freetown Press!


JaRon’s Guide: To wearing Designer Clothes for the price of your Lunch


British Philosopher Francis Bacon stated, “Fashion is the only attempt to realize art in living forms and social intercourse.” Fashion is one of the most monumental forces in culture. What we choose to wear is actually just highly functional art. Now, this art form has given way to the artists behind the art. Fashion designers are on another level, bridging all knowledge of fashion together to perpetuate a new era of style. That being said, in this age we have the upper hand (too much of an upper hand) on fashion trends. If Kanye West wears something today, it’ll be sold out tomorrow. These swagger-jacking “hypebeasts” crave the attention that the celebrities have, so they steal their appearance. I’m sure Mark David Chapman would be proud… Some of us are more expressive in our style; we dig deep into that special place that allows us to create combinations that make us look and feel good. Confidence is everything in someone’s personal appearance and can only come from within. It cannot be found in the price tag of your garments, but how you wear them.

For those of you who are always looking how to expand your approach to clothing, check out these reviews on my favorite spots around the area to stay sharp for less than the price of your lunch. So skip a meal and step your style game up kids!

  1. (2$-10)

With less than 10 dollars, you could walk away with some killer stuff from these places.

  • Salvation Army (Across the Tracks 115 E 3rd St, Lafayette, LA) – Thrift shopping is no secret. Go to this location right now and find some cool stuff. Men’s shirts are priced at $2.50 and you can always find some with like new quality. You’ll find great things like high quality men’s dress shirts worth $50 (95% savings!!)
  • GoodBuys Good Will Outlet (On the Frontage Road 4712 Hwy 90 E, New Iberia, LA 70560) – May be a road trip to some, but if you want to get some serious thrifting done, look no further than here. EVERYTHING is priced at 2 dollars. No Tax. Just some incredible finds. You can go here and get a full, matching suit (tie included) for 8 dollars even (10 if you throw in the suspenders). After you get that tailored, you are ready for business. Less than 30 bucks later, you’ll have a high quality suit that looks like a $750 suit.

2. ($10-50)

Let’s take it up a notch.

  • Burke’s Outlet (Right past the Ambassador intersection 5700 Johnston St, Lafayette, LA 70503) – This Burke guy is known for bringing us low prices. Outlets on items still popular today. You can find some cool stuff here. It’s a good place to find some solid staples, such as a white dress shirt. If you want cheap athletic wear I suggest this seller as well, if you want to look good while you workout for less.
  • TJ Maxx (Conveniently next to Burkes Outlet) – TJ Maxx reigns supreme ruler of the slogan, “Designer clothing, without the designer prices”. If you stumble in the right location you may even find some Maison Martin Margiela. For those of us that aren’t into the Italian fashion scene, you can find some serious heat here. Ralph Lauren is usually priced half off, so whether you have a polo match coming up or you just have a thing for Americana, run over there and make a good steal. TJ is best place to find nice designer pants; corduroys, joggers, chinos, etc., some are even priced at $15.

3.  ($50- up)

Who spends this much on lunch..

  • If you made it this far, I will just give you some sound theology. I call this the 50 dollar rule. Given these above places, among others (do research) I believe that you should never spend over 50 on a garment of clothing. You can get high quality stuff for way less. If done right, you will look like you dropped $100s on your outfit every time. One thing that I do do, occasionally is spend over 50 on certain accessories. Shoes, Jewelry, and other accessories can and will take you over the top in your appearance (in the best way possible). Pair a 75-dollar pair of shoes with your 10-dollar outfit and look like a million bucks.

Never tread lightly. Always dress nicely.

Freetown Interview with Damius ( It sounds like Damon so we’re already homies)


I don’t know Damius very well, but since he’s one of Cameron’s best friends he checks out in my book. We asked him the same questions as Cameron…. and we now understand why they’re friends. Enjoy.

1. What’s the hardest thing about being a kid?

SCHOOL!!!?!!, I’m in 5th grade and the math only gets harder!

2. Favorite Place

Atlanta, it’s such a huge city and I really like huge cities. It also has a water park just like Oregon!

3: What would make the neighborhood better?

If it had a pool. Even where Glen’s parking lot is. We could jump from our roof into it!!

Freetown Interview with one of the craziest dudes in town: Cameron


If the manner in which people met reflected their personality, it would explain why Cameron is one of the wildest guys in Freetown. About 6 months ago my friend and I were playing a spontaneous game of “Leap Frog”. Yea, I know, weirrrrrrd right? But it was SO much fun and cars kept encouraging us to continue our childish game with the ever present “Honk and Wave”. Well, someone not in a car took notice of our strange activity…. can you guess who that was? Cameron. He walked over with the confidence of a seasoned Leap Frogger and demanded he be given a shot to swoop over one of our backs. So we let him, and have been friends ever since. I have other stories about Cameron, but I’m sure y’all would rather him share a few of his thoughts with the community. That’s why we interviewed him today and got some pretty funny answers…..

1: What’s the hardest thing about being a Kid?

SCHOOL!!! I’m in fourth grade and schools fun, but its hard at the same time. Math is the worst.

2: Favorite Place

Oregon. My brother and dad live in Oregon. It also has this AWESOME  water park. I don’t know the name though…..

3: What would make the neighborhood better?

If it was made of trampolines………Trampolines.

The History of the Mouton Monument Downtown

Mouton statue 2

This is a special piece dedicated to anyone who has ever been down Jefferson St. in downtown Lafayette, LA. More specifically, this is a piece intended for the folks among us who’ve gotten caught at that three way stop in front of the Filling Station, looked around frantically for any other drivers, said a prayer, and jetted across the intersection hoping to reach the other side in one piece. Among all the commotion you may have noticed a large, commanding, marble statue staring you in the face.  If not, that’s ok. Just look at that instead of the road next time you’re cruisin’ downtown. Joking…….


That “statue” being referred to is the monument of General Alfred Mouton, a confederate leader during the American Civil War. He was born in Opelousas, LA in 1829 and soon moved to Lafayette where he spent most of the rest of his life. Mouton is remembered for many feats of courage, his undying loyalty and relationship with his fellow brigadier members of the confederacy. Mouton played a key role in keeping the union army from infiltrating the Bayou Teche region of Acadiana. Sadly, the general died at the forefront of a cavalry charge at the battle of Mansfield in 1864.


So Who Created the Monument?

According to Eric Scott of Acadiana Historical, “The motion to construct a monument to General Alfred Mouton coincided with the founding of the General Alfred Mouton Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in 1914. The decision was ultimately approved that year at the U.D.C. statewide convention. During World War I, members of the U.D.C. dedicated their time to the Red Cross, and planning for the monument came to a temporary standstill. By June 1921, the U.D.C.’s fund raising efforts were back in full swing, and the city had contracted the monument to F. R. Blakesley.”

Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (

A sketch of a photo of Mouton was draw from a photo taken years earlier and sent to Italy. Here a local Sculptor named Valdemar E. Smith, (whom I’d like to find more out about), sculpted a full-bodied replica of Mouton from solid marble. Four biographical plaques were also set in stone at the base of the statue, highlighting Mouton’s life and accomplishments. The statue was unveiled in 1922 by Alida and Alice Mouton to the city of Downtown, Lafayette. Since then, it’s remained at the corner of Lee and Jefferson St. for all to reflect and remember this southern hero’s life.

Unveiling of the Statue (acadiana

PRO TIP: View the Statue at night to see the dramatic effects the lights at the base of the monument have on Mouton.

“General Alfred Mouton Monument,” Acadiana Historical, accessed August 6, 2015,

The Guide to an Unforgettable Week in Lafayette: Party Style

When it comes to having an unforgettable time, Lafayette has never been one to fall short. And these following places are chock-full of killer entertainment that will definitely leave you wanting….More.


Atmosphere Bistro: Janky Karaoke 


“Janky” is an understatement for this booze filled karaoke event held every Monday night at Artmosphere Bistro. However, make sure you get there early to sign up for Karaoke, the list fills up FAST.


City Bar Downtown Presents: Bullshit Bingo 

city bar tuesday
citybar facebook

It’s Loud, It’s Out of Control. City Bar does it better than anyone else when it comes to turning seemingly harmless games into drinking marathons every Tuesday. Just make sure you have an Uber Driver on Call. Peace be with you


Blue Moon Saloon: Cajun Jam


Of all the places and events on this list this one is my personal favorite. Every Wednesday Blue Moon Saloon in Freetown throws a culture packed Cajun Jam party. The combination of people, booze and music makes this one of the most authentic Lafayette experiences you can possibly have. Order a Gunslinger. 


Cafe Cottage: $5.00 Pitcher Night

cafe cottage
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Ohhh dear Cafe Cottage you have treated me to some of my  best and worst nights in this town. However, Thursday is quite the exception with your insanely cheap pitchers and endless cups of coffee. I personally recommend Abita Amber. 


Acting Unlimited Presents: The Addams Family a Musical Comedy

acting unlimited

I’ve always and will always be a fan of local theatre in Lafayette. We have  extraordinary talent in this town and I can’t wait to see the showing of the “Addams Family” at Burke Hawthorne Hall on UL’s Campus.


Feed n Seed: Professor Phineas Sinclair’s Medicine Show


Ok, so I definitely saved the best for last on this list. This is a fairly new monthly event held in Lafayette, but it’s gaining ground quickly to become one of our premier shows in the area. The show highlights vast amounts of out of this world acts and immersive experience that have you talking for weeks . Get your tickets soon, the next show will be Saturday and spots will sell out quick!