Freetown Interview with one of the craziest dudes in town: Cameron


If the manner in which people met reflected their personality, it would explain why Cameron is one of the wildest guys in Freetown. About 6 months ago my friend and I were playing a spontaneous game of “Leap Frog”. Yea, I know, weirrrrrrd right? But it was SO much fun and cars kept encouraging us to continue our childish game with the ever present “Honk and Wave”. Well, someone not in a car took notice of our strange activity…. can you guess who that was? Cameron. He walked over with the confidence of a seasoned Leap Frogger and demanded he be given a shot to swoop over one of our backs. So we let him, and have been friends ever since. I have other stories about Cameron, but I’m sure y’all would rather him share a few of his thoughts with the community. That’s why we interviewed him today and got some pretty funny answers…..

1: What’s the hardest thing about being a Kid?

SCHOOL!!! I’m in fourth grade and schools fun, but its hard at the same time. Math is the worst.

2: Favorite Place

Oregon. My brother and dad live in Oregon. It also has this AWESOME  water park. I don’t know the name though…..

3: What would make the neighborhood better?

If it was made of trampolines………Trampolines.

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