6 Incredible eats in Freetown 

There is one ultimate truth in Freetown. You will NEVER go hungry in Freetown. Walking the streets today I found six local eateries that will leave you speechless. Full. But otherwise speechless. 

1. Taco Sisters Lunch


corner of johnston and E Vermillion Street

Recommendation: smoked chicken burrito w/black beans, cheese, jalepenos and sisters secret sauce

2. Gary’s Breakfast 


on the corner of clinton and lamar st.

Recommendation: Burgers. That is All. 

3. Tammy’s Lunch


on the corner of Gordon and Jefferson St.

Recommendation: fried chicken with a side of bread and boudin. Tammy fries almost everything. 

4. Borden’s Dessert


on the corner of johnston and jefferson st.

Recommendation: large chocolate-strawberry shake. Add chocolate syrup with a coffee

5. Cedar Deli Lunch 



on Jefferson St.
Recommendation: Chicken curry wrap and a box of hookah coals 

6. Acadiana Superette Breakfast


on the corner of stewart and lamar st.

Recommendation: Plate breakfast with a side of homemade cinnamon sticks add ham and toast 

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