5 Freetown Facts of the Week

Every week I’ll compile a list of 5 awesome Freetown facts then share them with….you! I hope you enjoy.

1. Good Hope Hall was one of the United States’ Premier Jazz Venues.

 Yep thats right, Good Hope Hall (now part of Glen Armentors building) hosted an incredible Jazz scene for African Americans during the 1920’s.

 2. The Lafayette Consolidated Government Planning Division has awesome plans for Freetown

3. The First African American Pharmacist’s office/home in Freetown is still standing and at the corner of Gordon and Main st.

Dr. Butler occupied the home and opened shop becoming the first African American pharmacist in the neighborhood.

4. Ever wonder how Freetown got its name??

 Following the Civil War free men of color occupied the neighbrhood and named it Freetown in  honor of their new stance in society.

5. Home to a huge music population

 Freetown is home to notable musicians and artists, just walk down gordon midday and you’ll hear the music come alive.

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